Friday 1 May 2015

WIP 300415 + Salute

One almost done this week and some progress on the flesh tones:

I really like this model. I spent a while at the Mierce stand at Salute, they had casts you could handle, their resin is so good! Here I've started a little shading with (citadel) washes.

I went heavy with the shading on the architect, I'm going to add some colour to her now then come back to re-work the skin tones afterwards.

The barbarian needs a reference - I don't know where the model is going scheme wise, other than vaguely Conan-esque, I need to choose colours.

Whereas this guy is almost done- I tried some wet on wet blending on the hair with mediocre results, the mask came up nicely though (although it is over-exposed in these pics). I just need to add some foliage to the cracks on the base then I'm happy.

And this was the salute haul - the show needs a post of its own, the Beast of War Hoth table was awesome! These will all get to the desk sooner rather than later...

Thursday 23 April 2015

WIPs 220415

Slower progress this week and no unboxing/gaming...

Martin is as done as he will be, I had a go with the osl but lost patience (the bendy malformed weapons didn't help!).

I had a good session on the flesh tone project - I started with the same base tones for all three (GW Kislev + VMC Iraqi Sand) then darkened it a little, particularly on the men. These have a lot of hours left.

This guy is great! A Mistmourn Shaman from the new Super Dungeon Explore, the soft plastic was easy to clean up, a couple of thin coats of (vallejo white) primer and I was away. I've put some base colours down, I want the whole model to be duller eventually. The wooden mask and green flesh have had a bit of shading/highlighting as well. It's Salute on Saturday, my first visit, can't wait!

Thursday 16 April 2015

WIPs 160415

Progress! I've had a couple of good sessions this week :

Martin from Escape has had a little highlighting on the skin and a lot of faffing on the cloak, which has gone as far as it's going to. Next it's nmm and the weapons.

The Riot girl had the touch up done and now just needs basing.

The sniper from Aetherium is the main event - watching a Painting Buddha Academy video on wet on wet blending helped me massively here, I still have a long way to go with the technique but for a tabletop/test model I'm happy with it. Also the the metals have had some shading, the hair's had a highlight and I've tried to vary the highlighting on the various black cloths - these still need work.

And then this guy escaped a newly received box...

Monday 13 April 2015

Works in progress

The state of the desk... most of this was done over a week ago before a holiday...

The Riot Girl promo, from Aetherium. Almost done, this was a test model and I messed up the priming. That said the trousers and top came out nicely. I'm not happy with the cloak (I'm never happy with cloaks, need to watch some guides). There's a little touch up left to do and some decisions to take on basing.

The flesh tone challenge 3 - built and primed, waiting a long session to start.

More Aetherium, this is the sniper promo model. Mostly just base colours so far (taken from the cool art in the rulebook), with a bit of shading on the hair and cloak. There's a long way to go on this.

Escape and the difference backgrounds make! The orange is more or less done but washes out in the picture whereas the flesh only had one pass but looks good already... the other Escape models have all been 'finished' at about 90% done, this one may be similar. There are always elements of these sculpts I enjoy painting - here the flesh and overalls - and elements that don't seem to work (the canister looks like it's glued on too high, the blades/rods are fuzzy on detail and despite multiple hot water attempts would not straighten). 

The aim for the week is to complete the Aetherium and Escape models, and get a start in on the flesh tone work. But then a box from Soda Pop/Ninja Division just arrived...