Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Wip dragon

Some progress, the blue didn't work /I didn't like it so I'm trying for a stone look instead, very pale, I'm going to base it on a lava base and try some osl - hopefully that will provide enough colour.
From Who wanders alone...
Painting over the blue attempt has lead to some shade issues, I think I actually like the effect - if it works down the length of the dragon I'll try to replicate it on the other side... For now the front third (less the head) is done, the middle needs white highlights, the tails's waiting.
From Who wanders alone...
From Who wanders alone...

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Finished (well, almost)

Fen beast - highlight, just needs something extra on the base, not sure what yet though (green stuff swamp gas bubbles?) so will come back to it.

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I'm quite happy with how this came out - it was a quick job but I think I brought out each element (though maybe the stone is a little clean/grey - it doesn't look so extreme url).

And the summoner:

I went for blue hair with half an idea of woad, this was my first real go at (human) skin, I think it looks okay.

Friday, 21 October 2011

wip Fen Beast

Raarrggh! This is my main current wip, the Fen Beast, crap phone snaps but the green is just about done - orchide washed black then worked up with rotting flesh. To do is highlights on bone/metal/wood and base it (along with a truth sayer already painted).

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Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Wip dragon

Scheme tryouts:

This is Warplock's dragon, I fear I'm not goin to do it justice. Wingless, I'm aiming for an ice wyrm. First attempt was blue through white with greyer spines, this is too blue :( Attempt two, I think, will be mid through pale grey then washed blue and highlighted white...

Saturday, 15 October 2011

Wip /testing /return

Just a test uploading from iPad, figure I should get this going again. Wip is a generic hurst arts bridge, was for gaming (wfb) now might do more with the base, and build a skirmish encounter around it...

(and third time lucky having found blog press).

Friday, 25 February 2011


Posted by Picasa Now I'm behind posting... this is the tower almost complete. What you can't see is how badly the round section fits the ground floor - somehow, probably from the quarter section missing, I lost the tightness of the circle. Fortunately a)Filler works well for pointing the joints, b)the paint job should hide any major defects, c)this is a test model for me to discover/fix issues like this. Like this and the fact that the stairs are half a step to short - or rather have a gap, partially filled so far, about a third of the way down. Still, the base is flocked, it all fits together and we've used it in several games. I bought the paint for it a fortnight ago, now I just need some weather that'll let me paint outside... (babies + paint fumes = girlfriend :( )

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Inaction / Action

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Some pre xmas progress, - the floor complete, the second storey just placed on to see where this is going. Then 2 weeks of no modelling. I did get two days of games in though, with 2 losses (on an ongoing mighty empires campaign day, out numbered in both cases) and 1 win (my first 3000 pointer, against empire, black orcs with the waagh spell ground through a halberdier horde and my six trolls (still wip) vomited away a unit of 18 nights including three characters).
On the bird front 3 days in norfolk saw fog, some more fog, the inside of a yurt (where we stayed) and not enough species on new years day to start counting...